četvrtak, 7. lipnja 2012.


Every time my friends say that they met someone who's a bit like me, I say that I'm unique, special and that there is only one Tea. Then we all laugh and continue to talk about boys, clothes, makeup....
The truth is; I am afraid. I'm not special or unique. I am loud, annoying, ugly person who is easily replaceable  and I'm afraid that they will leave me for someone new, better.
 I am afraid that one day I will fade and disappear.

I wanna run away

...far from everything and everyone.
 I need to escape this routine and be free, be alive.


That's all I want to be. HAPPY.
I was never bullied by other people so I don't know where are this feeling coming from. I guess you could say I'm my own bully. I convince myself that I'm ugly, worthless,nobody....It's kinda hard to be happy once you have that image about yourself. 

subota, 24. ožujka 2012.

Broken dreams

I wrote a short something (I really don't know what to call it) about dreams (surprise!) for my english class. Tell me what ya think.
Road of broken dreams
A dream is like air we breathe, 

we need it to survive.
Because if we stop dreaming we won’t be happy anymore.
A dream puts smile on our face,
gives purpose to our lives.
But there is always a time in our lives
when we need to decide what do we want to do with those dreams,
are we going to make them happen,
o are we going to leave them to die on a road of broken dreams.

Hey, hey!

Hey, hey!
So, I started writing this blog because this is the only place where I can share my thoughts with someone. I will write about my likes, dislikes, dreams, hopes.
And if you don't like it, I really don't care.
